Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New things!

First off, sorry I've been so MIA! The holidays are so much fun, but so busy! I'm really happy to say that I'm at the end of most my official business for 2008 and over the next month will officially close up shop until the baby comes (well, kinda!) You're going to see a lot of my kids over the next few months as I just hang out with them and go back to documenting their little lives! I can't wait for this little one to arrive, she's really all I can think about these days. I can't wait for a squishy newborn in the house again!

When I come back from maternity leave I hope for my website to have some new fun things and I will also be offering more items, packages, and incentives! I really feel that 2008 is going to be such a fun year, for my family, for you, just with life in general. Can you feel it?

And because this blog is first and foremost to show off my's a little gem of Abby....just call her Tink!

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1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh..I so hear you about the holiday madness..just made my first post in weeks! Abby is such a doll..her eyes are amazing..can't wait to see that little babe of much longer?