Friday, August 29, 2008

wk 11/52

I wanted to take my photo with Zach this week. He's crossed two major milestones in the past couple days and I could not be prouder of him. They both have to do with potty training and I am *thisclose* to only having one in diapers! Yay!! All the statistics are true, boys talk later, potty train later, love to jump and punch and can make anything into a gun (right now its his play hockey stick!) He got a cape for his birthday and calls himself "Super Zach". So this photo is silly and totally not my usual style, but its FUN also fits what is going on this week in my busy life and I thought it went along with pic #10 pretty well!! I'm definitely going to attempt this again in a few weeks, maybe I can get both the older kids in on the action. My goodness Zach and I were sweating and needing water big time after this shot. That's another reason why I love taking these photos...Memories :)

(...and feet are only a size 7 1/2, although by that photo you wouldn't think so!!)


Anonymous said...

So, what's wrong with big feet, huh? Haha.

RachelCapezza said...

I LOVE it! I'd love to capture a moment like that with my kids.

sherri said...

LOVE it. The motion and the fun. Priceless!