Friday, January 23, 2009

wk 32/52

~ Bath time ~

*For anyone who is interested, this was shot with my d200 and new 28-75 2.8f lens with the black & white setting in camera, iso 1600 (dark bathroom!), 2.8f, 1/100. I really love the black & whites straight out of the camera. I ran a light defog on the photo and added some grain for a filmy look. It's amazing that I had to ADD grain, with an iso of 1600 there should be an absolute ton of grain, but I find that taking the photo in b&w really minimizes the grain.

*and with that....I am caught up!! I'm so enjoying taking these pictures each week. I just got that new lens so maybe I can take advantage of it this week and try something different. We'll see!


Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Ok, I would comment on EACH image.. but... I think I'll just sum it up with GREAT JOB! Great captures... and good for you with keeping up on this project. You are a better person than I!!! I pooped out early in the game. Still trying.. but my kids HATE my camera now so I think I've ruined them with what little bit of this project I did fulfill! LOL

Anyway.. Great job!

Trista said...

Amy, I so love your stuff. :) Are you loving your 28-75?? It's definitely my fav right now.

I'm so impressed that you're keeping up with the project!! I too love getting photos of me with the fam, but suck at posting them. Sigh. Kudos!!

Jeanette Krzyzek said...
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RachelCapezza said...

That still looks good with ISO 1600 -- with mine, it looks much grainier. Cute shot!