Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wk 14/52

So I know I'm playing catch up with my self pics! I've been super busy over here as well as the kids sick and me sick as well. Jeremy even took a whole day off for me the other day so I could rest, I don't think I've slept 11 hours in one night in literally 5 years!!! It was awesome.

So this was from a couple weeks ago...a sweet snapshot by my wonderful husband. My boy turned 3 that day and got breakfast in bed :) This was the one pic Mommy got in on! Sure its not my normal style...but just a word of advice, make sure you're taking those snapshots!! We get so caught up in capturing the "moment" that the real moments pass us by. Well not that morning...his face was golden as we served him cocoa puffs and he opened his gift. What a sweet baby boy.

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