Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here's another quiz....

Can you tell which one doesn't belong in THIS picture??


Liliana Grace finally made her entrance into the world at 12:17am, Friday February 15th! She shares a birthday with her Daddy. She was 9lbs 4oz, born after a 3 hour labor, into the water, completely naturally. Caring for 3 children very new adventure! Needless to say, I and my husband are exhausted!!

Thank you to everyone who stuck with me on this pregnancy journey and kept my spirits up while I was overdue! It was totally fun documenting the last days, but I am so thankful that now I've turned in that huge belly for a tiny baby.

One more thing, I pretty much have the most amazing husband in the entire world. He never got tired of all my complaining during those 9 months (he never told me at least!), gave me the most amazing ideas for my overdue series of photos (pretty much, any one that included a basketball...yep, that was all him!)...oh, and he got me through labor of course! I had a very rough pregnancy, and he did absolutely everything he could to help me the entire way through it. Now he shares his birthday with our daughter (by only 17 minutes!), he is a wonderful man and I am so thankful to be starting yet another journey with him!



Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Such a natural! Glad to see some pix posted!

Thanks again for everything you guys! It was truly an amazing memory!

All my luv. hugs, and kisses!

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

The pic of LG is so cute. She didn't look that chubby when she was first born, but dang... now I see all 9 lbs 4 oz. LOL She's gorgeous!


Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Oh, Jeremy... I really like that pic of you by the way. Fatherhood looks great on you. You and Amy are an amazing couple.

Keep the pix comin!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! She is beautiful. And how special to share her birthday with her daddy.

Gemma said...

congratulations! Loved your series of overdue shots (now i will really have to step up to the plate since I'm pretty sure my one will be overdue too!)
Just found your blog, and love your work!
Congrats again and please rest up!
- Gemma

Anonymous said...

Oh Amy,

She is sooo beautiful. You did great Mamma! Congrats to you and your family. May you find the rest you need and quickly find your groove for being a Mom of three now.

Many blessings to you.


Jeremy S. said...

Amy, you are the most amazing woman in the whole world and you birth the most beautiful babies! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your life. And you're an awesome Mom!

Oh yeah...I also love your pics! I'm married to a photographic prodigy!

Kelly Barclay said...

AWWWW!!! How sweet!! She's beautiful... congratulations. Enjoy her!

Jess said...

Congrats! She is beautiful.

sherri said...

Oh!!!!! Sweet hallelujah! I figured when I didn't see a post from you after the 14th that you had had her. She is BEAUTIFUL! I love both images, but the one with her daddy is perfection! HUGE Congratulations!!!

.E. said...

Congratulations.. WOW.. Yeah she is here she is GORGEOUS.. and what a treat that she is born on your husbands birthday now talk about one heck of a birthday present.. How amazing..

Thank you for sharing her with us..

cant wait to see more of this beautiful girl.. and oh kudos to you 9lbs 4oz all natural.. You are one amazing woman..

Lynn S. said...

God is so much better at making babies than toy manufacturers!

She's BEAUTIFUL! Her daddy was a good lookin' baby, too!

Jennifer said...

awwww, she is absolutely beautiful! COngratulations! I have three kids myself, so I know exactly what your going through right now! It will be a great, chaotic new adventure for you all! Can't wait to see more pics of her!

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

C'mon Amy.. I know you have more pix to share! ;o) I can't wait to see 'em!

Amy said...

Thank you so much everyone! I do appreciate you taking the time to comment and congratulate us!!

Leah said...

You are my Hero over 9pds and natural! I was 12 days overdue before the Doctor talked me into being induced, wish I had waited...Anyway Congrats!!

Stueller said...

congrats! and YEA!!!!!!!