Thursday, February 14, 2008

Since I'm going to be pregnant forever...

I thought I would try to blend in :)

Oh, and I thought this song was appropriate....

"One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?"



Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Hey, at least there isn't a beach ball in the pic......

You'd be stunning at 45 weeks preggo... Although I would never wish that upon you......EVER. LOL

It's bitter sweet to say goodbye to these great posts, but I know YOU, there will be plenty more fabulous work coming!

See you soon.


Alicia said...

I LOVE this pic!!!

Jess said...

You have to put all of these in the baby book...and by the way you look beautiful at was it 41 weeks and 2 days.

sherri said...

Oh, dern it! I can't believe you are still here! Wow, you are creative! I love stopping by here anyway, but these are just so much fun!

.E. said...

Oh Seriously Amy.. you are killing me with these.. and honestly not sure what we will do when this baby actually makes an appearance.

Jennifer said...

HAHAHA, thats too funny and cute, loving the creativity to pass the time!

Stueller said...

I am hoping for you sake that because it's the 16th you haven't posted since the 14th that maybe she's here, if not I truly enjoying your creativity!

Anonymous said...

You are completely cracking me up! I love these posts, while at the same time my uterus just aches for you, lol! ;D I know you're getting impatient, and I certainly don't blame you a bit! Are you going to be induced soon if she doesn't want to check out of the Radisson? ;)

Much love,