Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A rare moment......

Oh my, when I saw them sitting there I made the maddest dash for the camera, started clicking and hoped with all my heart that something good was going to come out!! At 3 1/2 and 18 months it's rare that they are civil to each other :) We know they love each other, it's just rare that they actually express it! LOL! This is absolutely one of my favs. One I will cherish!


Anonymous said...

Amy... looove this one! I'm not even going to talk about how I love the contrast etc. I just want to comment on what a great capture this is! Even if the picture had been blury... this is a FANTASTIC moment. I absolutely love it.

Great job!


Stueller said...

This is one of those pictures that mean the most. I love the connection and the lighting. I bet as a mom you are totally stocked. Beautiful picture.

Angela said...

I just happened upon your blog tonight. This photo is AMAZING. Such a beautiful, tender moment you've captured here! These are the moments mom's treasure the most.