Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Signature Zach

Yes, I do love my son. But if ever there was a stubborn, wild, testing, defiant 2 year old...he is it! I made him repeat me the other day, "I will be a man of integrity!" From his mouth it sounded like "I weeel bee man oooof inpedia" yeah yeah, he'll understand some day! I know speaking LIFE into my 2 year old and tons of prayer will be the only thing that keeps he & I sane as we try to get through these challenging, but great years. And one thing I am thankful for, he is so cuddly still. He's been very attached to my husband lately, wanting to be rocked (or as he calls it "rocket").

So here's Zach's signature face, scowling, with his favorite mask on (not sure what was up with the hat that day! He's a nut!) I really took this pic for my Dad. Dad...I know you check this blog, here's a photo for you. I'll attempt to get a good smiley face in his mask, but the odds on that one are slim!! :) :)



Jeanette Krzyzek said...
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Jeanette Krzyzek said...

(sorry about the deleted comment!)

Well, that is very "Zach". He's two and testing the waters. I have a 4 1/2 year old diva that would make your head spin and fall off your shoulders! And to think I still have the teenage years to go! I love her dearly, but she's making me age in dog years!

Miss Clairol, here I come!

Good luck!

Stueller said...

I love this! How full of personality is this picture :)

.E. said...

Oh My goodness... he is just gorgeous.. hat glasses and all. I like that .. I am a man of integrity. Well done.. eventually it will pay off... Hang in there..


Amanda K said...

I love that you're teaching him to be a man of integritity from an early age! We're trying to instill the same thing in our just turned 3 year old and man is it hard most days hehe. I love Zach's get up, what a stylish little man ;)

amanda b said...

Good for you Amy! I know its hard right now, but you are an AMAZING mommy! Plus you have to be my role model...if I'm ever going to have a 3rd of my own, you have to prove to me its not impossible (while remaining sane & loving).Ha!Ha! Love your pics!

O.E. said...

Amy, what a great facial expression! You can use it to embarass him when he's older, too.

My in-laws, who must either go to church with you or your parents, turned us on to your website, back when you were expecting your new baby, and taking all those creative and funny photos. I admire your talent!

Allison said...

K, promise I am not stalking you, but I am going to stalk your blog! I'm putting you on my google reader. You have arrived. LOL.
Adorable shot. I recognize that expression from my own two year old.

Jennifer said...

oh yeah definately a two pear olds perspective on things! He is too cute!

Courtney said...

Reminds me so much of my 2 year old.