Friday, August 22, 2008

Email issues....

I just wanted to say that I'm having email issues! I've realized over the past 3 days that all emails sent to me straight from my website have been going into my spam. How lovely! I have no clue how long this has been going on. I never check my spam, don't really want to read the nasty stuff that goes in there! But I'll be checking it more often now! Hopefully I can get that taken care of. But if you have emailed me from the "Contact" page on my website, and I have not gotten back to you within 24 hours, I apologize! I'm not ignoring you...just email me again please! You can always reach me to inquire about sessions or ordering at 916.420.8889.

And yep, this is the first time in 10 weeks that I have missed my Friday deadline for my self portrait with my kiddos. Honestly, I didn't even THINK about it this week/today! Its been a crazy week! So thank you to everyone who keeps up with me, I'll post one soon. Hopefully today or tomorrow. I need some creative juices to flow!

But because no post is complete without a picture (to me at least! what's the point in blogging without one!?)

Officially 6 months old...


Carin Davis said...

so sorry about your email...but this image is sweet & adorable!!!

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Ok, at least you have only missed "1" pic of your 52 week project. I think I'm down 3 now. OH MY GOSH! You know how OCD I can be... so this is buggin' me a lot! LOL Once things slow down and I'm not editing back to back to back sessions, I'll get back in the swing of things.... ;o)

Beautiful pic!

Jennifer said...

she is so cute, adorable!

Melissa said...

sooooo precious, Amy!