Friday, August 8, 2008

wk 8/52

I admit, I love my van (yeah, nice way to start out this post right?!) God supernaturally provided exactly what we needed after Lily was born. We loved our previous car, but driving with small children and no a/c in California was a bit excruciating! When I was younger, I vowed I would never be a mini-van mom...but I am now, and I love it!! So now its a blast driving around running errands, going here & there, just being a family on the move. I'm sure my van will show up in more self photos in the future (since I've got 44 weeks left!)

You know what I love most about it? When I open the side door...and I see three little empty car seats, (two pink and one black!) and one by one those little seats are filled with tiny bodies. We jam out to The Backyardigans or Agapeland (or Hillsong if Mommy gets her way.)
Wow, my life is so full.

So here's my crew, back from mommies group, the two little girls out of their seats and pulled into the back with brother and monkey arms with the camera. I know Abby's a bit fuzzy, but hey, after a long morning out...this pic is close to perfect!! :) :)

ps. Thank you to everyone who wished us a happy anniversary!


Jeanette Krzyzek said...

I know you love your little "van-go" LOL Your little "S-car-go" ("s" for schuff of course!) Ok ok... I'm punchy can you tell?

Anyway. You guys are the cutest van family I know!



Amy said...

lol, thanks lady!! I'm a mini van mama :) I think you need to join me!!