Monday, February 4, 2008

Waiting waiting......

I thought while I waited for this little missy to be born I would do a tribute to the last 9 months :)

Is anyone as crazy about lists as I am??

I pretty much ate these two things every day. I craved a lot of stuff, from oranges to Cinnabons, but Coke & Doritos never left my side.


Hence the need for Tums absolutely every day!


And I want to give a special shout out to my planner. My husband teases me about getting a palm pilot...but nope. I need my trusty, write it with a pencil planner! I was crazy forgetful these past 9 months. But my trusty red friend got me through it! that I see the post, you can't tell that my planner is red...ha ha. Its actually a salmon color, but you get the idea. (SEE??? SEE how crazy I am right now? see what pregnancy does to my brain?? LOL.)




Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Hey! I don't see my name penciled in your planner!!!??? LOL Get on it! I'm expecting the 8th of February.... maybe the 11th... ha! that's my prediction.... so put my name on those 2 days. ;o)

marta said...

oh my goodness. i am loving you right now. someone sent me a link to your overdue blogs.. since i am 40 weeks plus one day and am dying to know when this babe wants to come. it's a crazy waiting game.. but am getting a kick out of these gorgeous photos. am glad she finally arrived. i hope mine decides to come out soon.