Thursday, March 13, 2008


My life right now can be summarized very easily into three words...busy, busy and busy. It probably has to do with nursing close to 8 hours a day, or getting ready to send my husband off for a week while I keep up fort here. Welcoming a third child has thrown me for a loop that I never knew was possible. I'm really learning to rest in my place in life, finding some peace in the midst of learning how to run my new family. God has given me a lot of comforting words lately, this song in particular has been so encouraging to me. It really is such a breath of fresh air. And then I took this photo of Abby the other day...and when I look at this photo I think of peace. Of quiet control, of rest. I absolutely love my life right now, sure I'm tired, but who isn't? So I just turn on this song, let it blast throughout the house and remember that life isn't just about me! I'm so thankful I have someone to turn to when things go wacky around here!

The More I seek You
The More I find you
the more I find you
The more I love you

I want to sit at you feet
drink from the cup in your hands
lay back against you and breath
feel your heartbeat
this love is so deep
it's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
it's overwhelming
-Kari Jobe



Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Very nice Amy. It's great when we can find that comfort level in our everyday hectic lives. I too get overwhelmed with my daily routine etc., but at the end of the day, I recognize how blessed I truly am and how much I value everything I have. My family/friends are my life. I find peace knowing that they are the most precious gifts.


Stueller said...

Oh what a beautiful picture to go with some beautiful words :) It is true that we can find peace in the midst of turmoil. Adjusting to two was hard for me, so I can't even imagine three. :) This is me thinking of you :) :)

.E. said...

What lovely words Amy.. and my oh my what beautiful portrait.. she is just gorgeous..hang in there on the busy busy tired will get better..even if only slightly for awhile.. stay strong but I have a feeling you already are VERY STRONG.

Jennifer said...

what a beautiful poem and a sweet post. She is getting so big and beautiful too!