Monday, March 3, 2008

Time is going so fast...

No, she doesn't have her umbilical cord anymore (or "poop cord" as Zach called it!!! We laughed so hard...the mind of a 2 year old is an amazing thing!!), and she's starting to not curl as much either. It makes me so sad how quickly she is changing, and she's not even 3 weeks old!



Jeanette Krzyzek said...

OOh that Zach! Poop cord.. SO cute! I hope to get out there soon so I can just hug that little tater tot! All 3 of them! Maybe you too. LOL


Jennifer said...

hahaha, thats cute, kids and their thoughts and mind! This is a precious shot, lovin the piggies!

Toni said...

ohhhh i just want to snuggle him!!! and the cord's still there! it's so incredible and amazing... the whole process. Each little life is such a miracle! LOVE the shot.

.E. said...

it is sad how quickly they change... and how each and every little change like no more poop cord teeheee is one step away from infantdom.. sigh.... enjoy her

sherri said...

Awe, it goes so crazy fast, huh? Just swim in it. Enjoy every minute. Beautiful capture. :)