Friday, June 27, 2008


So in being faced with the second photo to take in this year long project, I had tons of ideas. Some simple, some really complex, all of them involving a tripod and remote, setting up the shot and going back and forth to the lcd screen to make sure I got "the shot". This week's photo didn't involve any of that!

It was time for Lily's 4 month well baby checkup (4 months already! wow!). After getting all the kids together, loading up the car, driving there (quick drive, thank goodness!) getting out of the car, entertaining them for hours with crayons and paper (which could not be used on the chairs thank you very much Miss Receptionist!) and me also taking care of the other 8 children in the waiting room with crayons and paper (since I was the only parent there to think to bring items for my kids to play with, here's a quick tip, when going to any type of "office" with your kids, bring crayons and paper!! or at least some board books!) I then asked if the big flat screen tv was working in the corner, usually there is a good Disney flick playing, but Miss Receptionist says no, its broken and I walk away wondering when Lily will be seen since our appointment was encroaching on 1.5 hours ago. Finally we're called, Lily is weighed and measured (13lbs 8oz and 26in long! Translated....long and skinny!) We're left in the little room to wait for the pediatrician. After breaking up a few fights between the older two kids over who gets to sit in the only chair in the room and why they can't turn off all the lights while we're waiting, I find this as perfect opportunity for "the shot". I grabbed my camera, widest lens already on it, pull all the kids on the examining table and tell them to "find the monkey in the camera!" I take the shot (actually, quite a few since I always keep my camera on "burst mode" with 3 little ones!) and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Its us...tired, hungry (since there was no eating snacks in the waiting room), and waiting for Lily to be given her horrible immunizations.

So here's my tip for the week (besides what to do with your chillins' at the dr. office!) take your camera everywhere! Just throw your widest lens on, or pack your point & shoot and make sure you always have it in the car or in your purse. You never know when the time will be right to take these year long pictures. And "monkey arms" is ok for these photos! Just hold that camera out and take the shot! My photo this week may not be the most technically perfect, but it tells a story that I now will never be able to forget. My kids aren't going to be little forever, years down the road crayons and paper isn't going to entertain them anymore and our biggest dilemma won't be how to get the huge bandaids off of Lily's legs without causing more pain than the shots did that put the bandaids there in the first place. So treasure all the moments, even the frustrating day to day humdrum dr. appointment moments.....where the big flat screen tv is working just fine as soon as our appointment is over :) :)




sherri said...

Awe!!! I love it! love that you are in it with your beautiful children, and love the memory behind it. So fun and wonderful!

Trista said...

lol...I totally could have written this post (minus another child and a camera and yes...crayons, lol)!! We went through this awful routine two days ago for Sam's 2 month shots (except he's 3 pounds heavier than Lily, but the same height...). Great idea with the photo though. I'm so glad I looked at your blog and remembered it was Friday and I need to get this week done!!! :D

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

HA! Knew that'd look great b/w! Very cute. As for me? Well, lets just say that we need a vacation after our vacation! I could not get cooperation from my children through bribes or mild threats. (lol kiddin') It's been a looong haul. All I managed for this week are snaps pretty much... but memories nonetheless. There's always next week right?

Can't wait to chat when I get back!

Shan said...

oh my goodness! Not looking forward to those doctors appointments! You would think that pediatrics would pride themselves on being on time to make life easier for mommies! HA! Cute picture though, very real!

.E. said...

These are great Amy.. and I really have to get better about bringing my camera everywhere I go

Unknown said...

Great shot! I always love the pics that bring back a specific memory like that.

Brea said...

Love the photo and the story that goes with it!!