Saturday, July 19, 2008

Light in her eyes....

I made a new discovery, my bed in my room faces a window...and boy can I get some good light in there! Lily helped me make that discovery and I was able to take a few photos of her that I really enjoy. My bedroom is a bit chaotic now, not only is it dh and I's room, but also the office (office was taken over by the two little girls who now share a room). But Lily also sleeps with us at night. She used to sleep all through the night, but I think that 4 month old growth spurt is kicking in because she likes to wake up Mama at 4 in the morning! And its easier to tend to her when she's close by than me having to trek down the hall to get her. Anyway, she's a teeny thing, so I don't mind the night wakings. She needs the calories (only 14lbs at 5 months! Remember....she was 9lbs 4oz when born. Chubbo!)

Oh! And I figured out how to make my images pretty big on the blog! Now you can see them much better :)


RachelCapezza said...

She is beautiful. I love seeing the picture in a bigger size! How'd you figure it out? I have blogspot too and it always sizes mine down even if I choose the large setting, I think...

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Love the pic Amy!

Thanks a BILLION for all your help tonight!!! You helped me out BIG TIME! So, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!


JJ said...

She's such a beauty and looks so much like her big brother. They are both angels!