Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Over half a century together....

These are my Grandparents who I love dearly. I just can't even express how much they mean to me. Their marriage is a huge inspiration to my husband and I. In reality, we have been so blessed with many of the marriages in our families. Both his and my parents have been married for over 30 years, both sets of my Grandparents have been married over 50 years. We have some strong foundations. This couple is always so supportive of anything I do, they embraced my husband as their own Grandson and I love seeing my kids' faces light up when they see "Great Grandma and Great Grandpa". That takes on a new meaning for me...because they truly are great.

So I had the wonderful opportunity of being able to have a real live photo session with my Grandparents. It was fun. We laughed, we teased, they let me take whatever photos I wanted and made sure I was met with...and left with a nice cold bottle of water :) They tried and tried to feed me...but alas they could not succeed! (Thanks anyway though!) Their house and grounds are absolutely amazing. A photographer's dream (a little kid's dream too! I remember hiding among the bushes with my cousins when I was little!) There's so many little alcoves and walkways...I mentioned that I loved taking pictures there and my Grandpa handed me a key to the back gate so I could come whenever I wanted. He truly is so giving.

So here's your sneak peek! I'm so glad we had the chance to spend the morning together, it was lovely!


Allison said...

Oh AMy, your grandparents are such beautiful people! I asbolutely love these images. I may just have to ask my own grandparents if they would like to do the same. How inspiring!

Trista said...

Amy, this post brought tears to my eyes. Yes, very inspiring and just beautiful. Congratulations to your grandparents!! And beautiful work.

.E. said...

How the first shot wonderfully crafted

Jennifer said...

oh wow thats awesome congrats to them, they look wonderful!

RachelCapezza said...

How sweet!

Stueller said...

These are great... I love that first one!

Harderfamily said...

What a legacy she leaves behind! What a beautiful photo session! My mom, too last year passed away from cancer. It was only 6 months from when she found out to her home going. She is dancing around without any PAIN in heaven! What a peace that we have that someday we WILL see them soon!!

Peace Elise said...

Hi Cuz. I know you can relate...I'm having a Grandma moment right now. Holding her silver charm bracelet, having a good cry, and painfully missing her. I am so grateful that you had the time with them to take such remarkable photos before she passed. Grandma just jumps back to life in memory the second I see her photo. Thanks a bunch and love ya :)