Friday, July 25, 2008

Wk 6/52

Ok, so this week kinda crept up on me. Husband is out of town, the two older kids went away for a night (thank you Grandpa & Grandma!!), I had two sessions this week, handling 3 kids on my own isn't always a piece of cake, and and and...anyway...

So as far as the photo goes...Lily loves to fly on my legs. It cracks her up! (But in the pic, doesn't it look like they're actually her legs??) And I love her little expression, she always, always has her hand in her mouth! Causing her to gag quite frequently. I need to enter her into "America's Got Talent" or something as the baby who can eat her whole fist...yeah, she'd win...she'd steal the show.

I call this photo, (besides being my 6th week self portrait) -
~~~~!!Attack of the flying, fist eating, so cute you scrunch her little cheeks, Baby!!!!~~~~

1 comment:

Jeanette Krzyzek said...

Oooh I can just hear the squeaking of her knuckles against her little gums! Love it. I miss Lukas being that small... although, each age is pretty dang special and fun!
